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On average, each longform piece I write requires over sixty hours of labor, including research, writing and editing. And frankly, my shorter pieces don’t require much less.
I am able to do this work because of the support of my readers. Every single penny helps.
love, meg
“Meg Conley is doing some of the smartest and most challenging writing on intersection of women, home, money, and care. She is an exquisite writer, constantly surprising me with the turns and clarity of her prose.”
“It’s incredible how she can always be funny, incisive, and eloquent, all at once. Actually, it’s maddening that she’s this good.”
“If you’ve ever wished you could have been a part of Tolkien’s Inklings or swirl a drink by the fire with Emerson and Alcott, Meg’s writing is pretty damn close. I’ve never paid for a subscription so fast.”